What Is A Financial Order In Divorce UK?

Understandably, very few of our clients have prior experience with divorce law and procedure when they approach our family law solicitors for advice following the breakdown of their marriage or civil partnership. One of the … Read more

Financial Order Divorce

When a couple separates, some of the most challenging issues to resolve often revolve around how their assets should be divided and the extent of any ongoing financial responsibilities towards each other. The courts encourage … Read more

Divorce Financial Settlement

When a marriage or civil partnership ends, one of the hardest-fought issues is often how the couple’s assets should be divided. Matters such as what should happen to the family home, whethe width=”300″ height=”234″ />When … Read more

Financial Settlement After 5 years Separation

In April 2022, when the Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Act took effect, UK divorce law underwent its most significant shakeup in 50 years with the introduction of the ‘no fault divorce’. Prior to the reforms, … Read more

Works Not Complete

Deciding to embark on a home improvement project is a big decision and can be expensive. For most homeowners, though, the short-term stress of having tradespeople take over your home is often a small price … Read more

Possession Claims

As a landlord, there are various valid reasons why you might want to recover possession of your property from your tenant. However, following the proper legal procedures is crucial. If you deviate from them, you … Read more

Sue My Builder

When your home improvement project goes awry, and you face having to pay out for expensive remedial work, you may wonder, ‘Can I sue my builder?’. Suing a builder can be complex, and it’s important … Read more

Defective Works

Defective works can severely derail home improvement plans or construction projects. They can leave you facing considerable financial losses and having to pay out for alternative tradespeople to undertake expensive remedial work. Minimising the damage … Read more

Possession Claim Against Trespassers

Trespassers, commonly known as ‘squatters’, can be a land or property owner’s worst nightmare. They can cause damage, pose a significant security risk, and may inhibit your ability to use your land or property. Our … Read more